Vanessa Hudgens è protagonista del film Bandslam. La canzone Everything I Own fa parte della colonna sonora.
Everything I Own
You sheltered me from harm Kept me warm, kept me warm You gave my life to me Set me free, set me free The finest years I ever knew Were all the years I had with you And…
(Chorus:) I would give anything I own Give up my life, my heart, my home I would give everything I own Just to have you back again
You taught me how to love What it’s of, what it’s of You never said too much But still you showed the way And I knew from watching you Nobody else could ever know The part of me that can’t let go And…
(Repeat chorus)
(Bridge:) Is there someone you know You’re loving them so But taking them all for granted? You may lose them one day Someone takes them away And they don’t hear The words you long to say
Belen Rodriguez sarà la protagonista del prossimo cinepanettone di Massimo Boldi. L'attore ha dichiarato: "Confermo. Con Belen la trattativa è a buon punto. A pelle, tra di noi, è scattato il feeling. Oltre a essere bella è una ragazza con uno spiccato, innato senso dell'umorismo. Sono sicuro che di lei sentiremo parlare ancora per parecchio tempo. Nel mio prossimo film interpreterà il ruolo di mia figlia".
Al g8 Barack Obama dimostra di non essere insensibile al fascino poetico di un fondoschiena femminile modello contrabbasso. Nicolas Sarkozy lo sorprende con le mani nella marmellata e sogghigna sotto i baffi. Chissà cosa sarebbero in grado di combinare questi due a un festino di Palazzo Grazioli con femmine come Noemi Letizia, Barbara Montereale e Patrizia D'Addario...
Esatto, sul suo corpo c'è scritto "rimipianti" al posto di "rimpianti".
Vivere senza rimpianti? Per Hayden Panettiere è impossibile: ogni volta che si guarda allo specchio rimpiange il giorno che ha deciso di farsi quel tatuaggio.
Megan Fox è una mangiatrice di uomini... letteralmente! Nel film Jennifer's Body recita la parte di una studentessa di liceo che se ne va in giro a mangiare i maschi. Qua c'è il video.
Megan Fox è favorevole alla legalizzazione della cannabis, volgarmente detta marijuana: "Spero che la legalizzino e quando lo faranno sarò la prima fottura persona in prima fila a comperarmi il mio pacchetto di spinelli."
Video di Radar di Britney Spears, quarto singolo tratto dall'album Circus.
Confidence is a must Cockiness is a plus Edginess is a rush Edges I like ‘em rough A man with a Midas touch Intoxicate me, on the rush (I’m a lush) Stop you’re making me blush People are looking at us
I don’t think you know (know)
I’m checking it so hot, so hot I Wonder if you know you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar) And yep I notice you I know it’s you Choose you don’t wanna lose you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk) I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that’s what I want (that’s what I want) Hey listen baby turn up the fader, try to make you understand you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar) (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR
Interesting sense of style Ten million dollar smile Think I can handle that Animal in the sack His eyes see right to my soul I surrender self-control Catch me looking again Falling right into my plan
I don’t think you know (know)
I’m checking it so hot, so hot Wonder if you know you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar) And yep I notice you I know it’s you Choose you don’t wanna lose you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar) When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk) I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that’s what I want (that’s what I want) Hey listen baby turn up the fader, try to make you understand you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR
I got my eye on you and I cant let you get away
Hey baby whether it’s now or later (I’ve got you) you cant shake me (no) cuz I got you on my radar Whether you like it or not, it ain’t gonna stop cuz I got you on my radar (I’ve got you) cuz I got you on my radar
I’m checking it so hot (so hot) I wonder if you know you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar) And yep I notice you I know it’s you Choose you don’t wanna lose you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar) When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk) I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that’s what I want (that’s what I want) Hey listen baby turn up the fader, try to make you understand you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR
Siete fan di Megan Fox? Ogni volta che la vedete il cuoricino batte a mille e salivate come cavallucci di mare? Allora non guardate la foto che c'è qua sotto! Rovinerebbe l'immagine idilliaca che vi siete fatti di lei e vi riporterebbe pesantemente alla dura realtà. La dura e pesante realtà è che Megan Fox ha un orripilante difetto fisico che la declassa non poco. Guardare per credere.